Covid-19 Announcement

Covid-19 Announcement

At Pinnacle Orthotic and Prosthetic Services, we feel very strongly that healthcare providers must be available in times of need to our patients. We are committed to continuing to serve the needs of our patients through this trying time. To do that, we are taking precautions to reduce the risk of virus transmission and will isolate patients from one another.

We will be using standard Infection Prevention and Control precautions (IPC) moving forward indefinitely. Before entering the office, patients will be screened for risk factors related to the virus transmission. If you do not pass the screen, we will reschedule after a 14 day waiting period. We will schedule patients only one at a time and leave adequate time between visits for our staff to completely sanitize the treatment rooms and reception area. No patients/family members will be allowed to remain in the waiting room during appointments. Family members beyond a single caretaker for each patient will be asked to remain in their vehicles.

This policy requires that we see fewer patients each day, but we will respect the isolation recommendations from the CDC while still providing care to our patients in their time of need. If you require immediate care for adjustments, evaluations or fittings, please contact our office and we will make an appointment for you.

If you require a non-essential follow-up or check, we ask that you not make a physical appointment so we may see patients with more critical needs. We will offer telehealth appointments however, if your needs are less urgent and a video chat will allow us to discern the problem and offer solutions. To schedule a video chat, please contact the office and request a time. We will schedule these during normal business hours as well. We will notify you when this policy is amended. We sincerely thank you for your trust in us and wish you and your family a safe excursion through this crisis.

Jim Rogers, CPO, LPO, FAAOP

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